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Bloody Urine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22 9:54:39

Approximately 4yr old female bloody urine, 1st time I've seen this. She acts fine, no pain, eating & drinking.  Not fixed & never been bred.

Dear Janice,

If your bunny is not spayed, then the most likely cause of the blood is a uterine hyperplasia or tumor that has started to hemorrhage.  It is imperative that you get her to a good rabbit vet immediately:

for wellness exam, and then scheduling of a spay, which is probably the only thing that will save her life if this is uterine adenocarcinoma (cancer), very common in unspayed females.

Please read:


for more complete information.  The vet may want to do radiographs to be sure there is no metastasis to the lungs, but the sooner this is done the better, since she is already hemorrhaging.  Time is of the essence.

I hope this helps, and that she will be fine.
