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Premature birth

22 10:42:36

Hi Dana,

One of our rabbits gave birth to a dead premature baby rabbit, and my question is could still be pregnent be cause she's still bleeding.Is she gonna be ok or she goning to die?

Dear Cicely,

Any animal, including a rabbit, can have a miscarriage, and that's what's happening to your bunny.  If she is showing any signs of lethargy, not wanting to eat, hunching in a corner, or straining as if to give birth, then please get her to a good rabbit vet ASAP:

The vet will be able to palpate her to see if there are likely any more fetuses.  If there are, a shot of oxytocin may help her give birth to them, if she is in distress.  At worst, she may require surgery.  I hope it does not come to that.

Please read:

before you subject her to breeding again.  I hope she will be fine, but she should be seen by a good rabbit vet as soon as possible if she is still bleeding or showing any signs that she does not feel well.

Take care,
