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can it go back to wild

22 11:35:35

I found a baby bunny and we are feeding it a formula we got form vet but I wanted to know if we could ever let it back into the wild? We're taking care of it but I dont want to keep it forever, please answer and thank you.

The best thing for baby bunnies is to leave them alone, but since you are already taking care of it you will notice that it REALLY wants to go back into the wild ASAP.  I have had some of my female rabbits raise babies that neighbors found and they were always in the corner of the cage trying to get out.

Raising bunnies by hand is usually very difficult and not usually successful - in the future you should probably leave them alone or contact someone in your area that has a license to handle wild animals (in most states it is illeagle to even try to raise them).

Thanks for your question.  Brenda