Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > 9 year old femal rabbit and lumps

9 year old femal rabbit and lumps

22 9:50:51

hello i went to bath my 9 year old neutered female rabbit this morning and notice on 2 of her nipples there were medium sized lumps. the lumps are soft and not hard. she is thin but has always been smaller than her brother and is eating and drinking fine. still very alert and dosent seem ill. what's wrong can you tell me?? thanks :)

Dear Amanda,

Lesions like this cannot be identified over the internet.  They must be seen in person by a qualified, rabbit-savvy veterinarian.  They could be abscesses or tumors, and there's no way anyone can tell you without seeing them.

Please find a rabbit-savvy vet via the international listings linked here:

and get bun there for a full wellness exam as soon as possible.

I hope she will be fine.
