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A sore on a rabbit

22 10:41:45

My rabbit (nearly two years old) has a strange sore on his neck, below his dewlap. The sore almost looks like a boil -- it's round, with an opening in the middle -- like a hole. The trouble is, I don't have money to bring him in, so anything regarding figuring out what this sore is and just how to treat it would be extremely helpful. Thanks.

Hi Dillon,

you must bring him in to a vet.  If the sore is as you describe this could be a botfly larvae.  You cannot remove these on your own, only a vet can because the rabbit needs to be properly sedated before it can be taken out.  You also can't kill it because if you do and it's inside your rabbit it will release toxins and kill your rabbit.  And this is something that must be taken out because it can migrate into an area of your rabbit that can kill your rabbit.

You simply have no choice, you must have a vet examine him.  Ask about what kinds of payment plans they can offer you, they will work with your situation.  They don't want to not provide medical treatment.

You need to budget for one annual exam for your rabbit every year, and one emergency vet visit every year, in addition to whatever you budget now for food and such.  If you can't swing this you need to consider if you have the means to adequately care for a pet.
