Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Bedding/Litter


22 10:03:49

Hello, I have a question regarding my rabbit. Whenever he's in his litter box, sometimes I notice he like to nibble on his litter, I'm currently using Care fresh. Will Care fresh clog his intestines if eaten? I've read that its been known. Do you have any suggestions on a safe alternative litter to use, or Am I fine just using care fresh? Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks :)

Dear Reill,

Carefresh is made of paper, and it won't harm him to ingest a bit of it.  It's digestible to rabbits.  If you like the Carefresh, then stick with it.

We use pelleted pine litter, which absorbs odor and makes great compost. We cover it with a thin layer of timothy hay to make it "foot friendly" and to make the litterbox inviting to the bunny. You can try that, if you're searching to an alternative to Carefresh (which is kind of expensive!).

Hope this helps.
