Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > threeplus year old rabbit

threeplus year old rabbit

22 10:20:00

Yesterday we went over to the rabbit's hutch(he's alone in there) and found his right flopped. If he happened to sprain it, would it go back to normal in the next week or so? Otherwise he's doing great! Is he too old to now show a flop ear from genetics? Thanks for your answer.

Dear A. Rivera,

A three year old rabbit should not suddenly develop a floppy ear that is a hereditary trait. And there's really no way to sprain an ear.  This is much more likely a sign of either an ear infection or the start of problems from a parasite known as E. cuniculi.

A floppy ear is often a mild version of torticollis/head tilt, and the two conditions often have the same root cause.  Please read:


for more information on the causes and treatment.  But do not delay getting your bunny to a good rabbit vet:

The sooner treatment is begun, the better the chances for a full recovery.  This is highly unlikely to get better on its own.  Your bun needs veterinary attention ASAP.

I hope this helps.
