Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > mushy bunny poop

mushy bunny poop

22 9:58:04

we have three bunnies all girls and lately one of them has mushy poop that isn't in pellets and sticks to her butt. We haven't changed their diet or any thing. Could you tell me what the problem is and how to fix it?

Dear Sam,

Your bunny appears to be suffering from chronic cecal dysbiosis, which is fully explained here:

The problem isn't that he can't digest his greens, but it could have something to do with his diet, if he's getting the wrong type of food.  Please check that here:

The second most common cause of this problem is probably pain/stress from dental disorders, such s molar spurs.  Please read:

You will need an experienced rabbit vet to help you, and you can find one via the Vet Referral Listings linked here:

In the meantime, you can safely clean bunny and keep him comfortable with the techniques described here:

I hope this helps you get to the bottom of the problem and get it under control.
