Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bunnies bladders

bunnies bladders

22 10:53:43

I have a bunny that has paralyzed hind legs, and it hasn't gone pee or poo yet, but it has only been a day since it happened. How long until it becomes unsafe? and what can i do to help?

Dear Ashley,

Please get the bunny to a good rabbit vet, if you have not already done so:

If the bunny cannot urinate or defecate, the prognosis is very poor.  But it's possible that the vet can show you how to express the bladder, to prevent fatal rupture.  I would not let this go loinger than 24 hours, or damage will be done.

If this was not due to trauma/injury, then please see:

I hope the bunny will be okay!
