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medicine not working?

22 10:49:20

I have a bunny with a skin condition due to mites. I have given her Revolution,the strength for puppies and kittens. I have given her two treatments (6 little tubes) but her condition has not been getting better. Actually, it has been spreading. I was wondering why the medicine has not been working. Is the one I've been giving her not strong enough? Is there anything else I can do? I can see how much the ticks are bothering her. I will appreciate your advice.

Hi, Leah.

Did a veterinarian give you an exact amount to use based on body weight? Also, how long has the medication been used? You might to give your veterinarian a call and see what their office thinks. They may want you to bring in the rabbits. I would not recommend changing doses or course of treatment without consultin your veterinarian first.

The most common treatment for fur mites in rabbits is a simple flea powder treatment. You can find flea powders over the counter at most pet stores (kitten safe formula). You may need to consider that option or have your veterinarian change the dosage.

Once again, before changing treatment I would call or visit your veterinarian first. You mentioned both ticks and mites, which are different (although have similar treatments).

I'm going to include several websites with mite information:

Good luck!