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Scabs on ears

22 11:21:44

Hi Dr. Krempels,

I purchased a lop ear bunny today and though I've worked as a vet assistant and office manager of a vet clinic for twenty three years I am clueless about rabbits. We have very few vets in our area that treat rabbits and those that do are not experts on them.

My new rabbit has very small scabs on it's ears as well as tiny scabby bumps on its eye lids (I know, 'Why did you buy a sick rabbit?" Answer... Cute 6 year old daughter's face.) It also has a slight colorless discharge from its nose. It's ears are extremely itchy but the canals are spotless and the external ear doesn't have the typical redness which accompanies the sarcoptic mange that I'm used to seeing in dogs.

Also, I have read that amoxi can be fatal in rabbits, can you give me a brief run down on which antibiotics are okay for them.

Thanks so much for your help,

Dear Gina,

Ear mites and other types of mites are pretty common in rabbits, though the species are different from those found on dogs and cats.  Still, they are easily, safely, and effectively treated with Revolution (selamectin).  I would apply some just as a precaution, and am betting this will help.  You can read more here:

DO NOT use Frontline on a bunny, as it can be fatal.

The antibiotics to avoid in rabbits are any oral penicillins, and any lincosamides (e.g., clindamycin).  These kill off the beneficial flora of the complex ecosystem in the bunny's GI tract, allowing potentially deadly Clostridium bacteria to flourish and cause liver and intestinal damage.  

You can read more about basic rabbit care, health, and biology here:

and of course:

To find a vet in your area who is experienced with rabbits, you may be able to use the list linked here:

I hope this helps. Please write back if you have any other questions.
