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Rabbit having lots of trouble giving birth

22 10:29:37

I was wanting to know if   there is anything  I can give my rabbit, to help her finish  having her babies. She has had 4 so far(over the period of 6 days!!)which have all been dead.All of them  have also been stuck(we have had to help her and pull them out the rest of the way).She is still acting like she is trying to have more,but nothing is coming.She still looks pretty big also.I honestly do not have the money to take her to a vet, so if there is anything you could recommend , I sure would appreciate it.

Hi Lori,
There is nothing you can give her unless you take her to a vet sorry. I am sorry for you loss as well. 4 baby's is a decent litter that maybe all she has. For something like this you HAVE to take her to the vet ASAP if you feel something is not right. Her size really isn't a way to judge cause mine is always fat pregnant or not.