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My Rabbits Heart beats so fast

22 10:14:40

I bought a rabbit in a pet shop almost a week ago. She always get nervous when she heard a unpleasant sounds that makes her to hide. Her heart beats so fast and her nose also moves as well. She is so energetic and eating well. Is this normal?

I am so worried because its my 3rd time to take care a rabbit the past two died because of my cat and unknown illness..

Dear Hillary,

A rabbit's normal heartbeat is close to 200 beats per minute, so it may be that what you're feeling is quite normal.  

Be sure to keep the cat away from the bunny, as even in play the cat can inflict deadly injury that can cause systemic toxemia/infection.  

For all the best, most accurate information on rabbit care, please visit:

The most common malady that strikes pet store bunnies (who are often sold too young to be weaned) is intestinal upset.  If you see even the slightest sign of runny stool, read this:

and get bun to a good rabbit vet immediately:

Hope this helps.
