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possible drooling

22 10:39:40

My coco conejo has been staining her chin area by the mouth a brownish color. I thought at first he was just making a mess but since talking to the vet and reading, I am wondering about a dental problem. However the vet said that his teeth were fine and is in good health as well. He is more on the older side. I am not sure if they checked the back molars good enough though. is there any other possible explanation and should i get a second opinion with a different vet at the same clinic, because they usually are very good and coco likes it there.
                               Thanx so much...Steve

Dear Steve,

Drooling is almost *always* a sign of molar problems.  I would get second, third, and fourth opinion until you find a vet who knows how to find and file molar spurs and detect other dental problems, because that is *very* likely what's going on with Coco.

Please read:

and find a rabbit vet here:

Hope that helps!
