Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > i think my rabbit is pregnant

i think my rabbit is pregnant

22 10:19:55

Hi there, I really need some advice. We have had our rabbits which were from the same ltter for approx 8 weeks now. I was told by the vet that i had two girls. They have been humping which i thought was terrortorial but have gone to the hutch today and have a nest. I checked both rabbits and have a boy and a girl. I have tried to seperate them but the boy keeps trying to break the divide between the bottom and the top hutch. I feel sad splitting them up. I just dont know what to do. Please help

Dear Martine,

I found your question in the Question Pool here today, where another expert had placed it.  Sorry for the delay, but I only now got this query.

Both rabbits must be spayed/neutered, preferably on the same day, so that they can stay together without the constant threat of unwanted pregnancy.  Please read:

and find an experienced rabbit vet here to help you:

More helpful information about surgery and pre- and post-op care can be found here:

If your bunny is pregnant, and too far along to be spayed, this will help:

I hope this helps.
