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Loose Stool

22 11:12:07

I have a 2-year old dwarf rabbit. She is very active and has a healthy appetite. However, lately she has been leaving loose, mushy stool in her litterbox, along with the harder stool. Her diet consists of pellets, fresh greens, fruit and vegetables. She also gets a yogurt treat every morning and has plenty of timothy hay to chew on. Should I be concerned about the loose stool? Should I change anything in her diet?  

Does the yogurt treat have sugar in it? Most do, and sugar can actually cause an imbalance in the digestive system. It may have taken a secondary stressor (like a mild illness, a change in diet, etc.) to cause the imbalance to trigger. How much fruit are you feeding her? Too much fruit can be bad, as well. A little (like one apple slice a day) is okay, but too much can both cause a rabbit to be overweight and can throw things off.