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rabbit eating everything but food

22 11:07:26

My rabbit does not like food.  When I feed her in her bowl she empties out the food and tries to eat the bowl.  I tried giving her a metal bowl, then she would empty the food and throw the bowl around.  She LOVES eating her cardboard box.  She has oak branch sticks but she prefers to chew on her cage especially the urine guards.  Recently I've seen her going to her litter box and chowing down on the litter inside.  I use Yesterday's News which does look alot like pelleted food.  She is also devouring her litter box.  It's made of plastic.  What is wrong with her?  I'm starting to suspect she is brain damaged.
When I put down her food she eats for a few bites or not more than 5 minutes.  5 seconds is not unusual.  Then she turns the food bowl over, spilling out the food.  I have 2 rabbits that do this.  

Dear Regina,

Sorry for the delay.  The AllExperts site wasn't letting me log in!  :(  The problem seems to be fixed now.

First thing I'd do is try another brand of pellets.  Please go here:

for some recommendations and for a complete overview of a healthy rabbit diet.  If *both* rabbits are doing this, then I suspect something's up with the pellets.  If you're using Hartz or other cheapo brand from the supermarket, that could be the problem.  They're often very old, and their quality is poor.  Instead, try to get some Purina from a local feedstore, or Manna Pro.  For the Gourmet Rabbit, go to and get pellets of either timothy or alfalfa.

I'll bet this will help.

The other thing to consider is dental pain.  Sometimes rabbits with picky eating habits are acting out because they have painful molar spurs that make it difficult or "not worth the effort" to eat.  Instead they will do things such as chew non-food items out of frustration, drink excessively, or eat only their very favorite treats.  Please see:

and go here to find a good rabbit vet who will know how to do a proper, deep oral exam.

Hope that helps.
