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Preferred temperatures

22 10:45:50

What air temperature should new born kits be kept?

About a year ago I find an article using google about rabbit temperature preferences.  The had several chambers with different temperatures and the rabbits seem to like the one around 60.  Do you know the study?  I've been trying to find it again but had no success.

Dear Tom,

I'm not familiar with that particular study.  But while an adult rabbit might prefer a temperature of 60 Farenheit, that's too cold for newborns, who should be kept at about 80 Farenheit.  They maintain the right temperature naturally in a nest full of siblings lined with their mother's fur if the box is sheltered and in a room that's not 80 degrees, but if you have only one baby, it's wise to provide a warm water bottle wrapped in a towel so that the baby can snuggle up or move away, as necessary.

Hope that helps.
