Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > pouncing/charging


22 11:25:52

I took my bun to my parents house this weekend.  They have a dog, that we noticed very early on that she adores...and I may seem crazy but I think she constantly mimics the things he does.  Well my dad was playing with Honey Bunny this weekend, and like my dog, she began to pounce at his hands (I dont know if this is probably the same as charging).  She wasnt biting or grunting so I thought it was all fun and games, but my mother is worried that allowing my father to play with her like that will make her mean and aggressive.  Also she is about 9 months old and spade.  Should I be more concerned about my father's play tactics? thanks, Jamie  

Dear Jamie,

Your mother is right.  Honey Bunny is NOT a dog, and her lunging is not the same thing as a dog's playful lunging.  

When a rabbit lunges, she is angry, not playing.  If her ears go back and her tail goes up, you have a very angry bunny, indeed!

When dogs play this way, it's ritualized prey capture and hunting behavior, which is a social behavior.  When rabbits do the same thing, it's defensive behavior--not fun!  

Please ask your dad to stop goading Honey Bunny, or she may become permanently aggressive and even start biting!

I hope this helps.  I'll be shutting down my computer now in prep for Hurricane Rita, so won't be able to answer any followup questions right away, so I hope this will get you on the right track for now.
