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5-6 week old baby rabbit

22 10:26:59

We just got a baby rabbit from the pet store. It is 5 1/2 weeks old. We are feeding him unlimited Zupreem Nature's Promise Timothy Hay Pellets, should we also be feeding it timothy hay, if so, where do we get it? The pet store told us we could feed it some vegetables too. We have given him some escarole, carrots and tops, and broccoli over the past few days. The bunny loves the vegetables and the stool hasn't changed. We recently read online the they shouldn't have vegetables until they are 6 months old. What should we do? We want the bunny to have a healthy well balanced diet!

Dear Jamie,

Timothy hay can be started any time, and you can often find good quality hay at major pet store outlets or feed stores, if you're in an area close to where hay is grown.  Alternatively, you can order it online from places like Oxbow Hay Company ( or American Pet Diner (, which offer a variety of good quality grass hays.

Fresh vegetables can be added very gradually to the diet.  But note that if this bunny is really only 5-6 weeks old, he is too young to be weaned.  Be *extremely* vigilant for any sign of runny stool, and be sure to wash all fresh vegetables *extremely* well to prevent anything nasty from insulting his immature intestinal flora.

Please read this:

and at *any* sign of inappetence, lethargy or the slightest sign of runny stool, you must get him to an experienced rabbit vet for treatment:

Diarrhea can kill a baby rabbit in a matter of hours.  This is the  most common cause of death in rabbits bought from pet stores where they are very often sold too young to be weaned.

I hope your baby will be healthy and have no problems, but I hope this prepares you in case of an emergency.  For all the best information on your bunny's care and feeding, please visit:

and especially "House Rabbits 101":

Good luck with your new pal.
