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Young mini lop paralysis

22 10:47:14

Hi, could you help me with any advice regarding my young mini lop (8 months) who suddenly developed total paralysis of all four limbs?  She can, a few days later, sit up but is not moving around and seems to have little control over her limbs.  She has started eating a little.  Our local veterinarian is mystified, gave her a course of antibiotics and steroids and has sent her home.
Thank you for your time.

Dear Eleanor,

It is quite unusual for such a young rabbit to develop signs of Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection, but this is one possibility to consider.  Please see:

The parasite does not typically affect all four legs--usually just the hindquarters. So this truly is strange.  But if the vet suspects E. cuniculi, then Panacur (fenbendazole) can be used, as per this article:

Has your bunny been outdoors where any wildlife could have defecated or urinated?  Particularly raccoons or skunks?  If so, there is a very nasty roundworm parasite, Baylisascaris procyoni, that can infect the central nervous system of intermediate host species such as rabbits and other herbivores.  The worm is an intestinal parasite in raccoons, but infects the muscles, central nervous system, and connective tissues of other animals (including humans who are unfortunate enough to be exposed!).  I hope this is not the problem because it is not treatable.

You probably should take your bunny to a vet who is more a specialist with rabbits, and I hope you can find one here:

I hope this helps get you started.  
