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hissing and biting rabbit

22 10:26:40

My rabbit is hissing,biting,and scratching everyone. She also bites my other rabbit that is in the cage with her. She has never done this before she is about 41/2- 5 months old. Do you know why she is doing this? Oh and the other rabbit is a girl we think.

This sounds like a classic case of female cage aggression. This is fairly common in female rabbits who hit puberty at about 4-6 months old.  

What you need to do is separate the rabbits immediately, then get both of them fixed.  You also need to make sure the other rabbit is female otherwise you can expect to see babies in about 3-4 weeks.

Unfortunately you may never be able to put the two together again as bonding rabbits after a fall out is very difficult to do.

I suggest contacting your vet and talking to them about what to do with your females aggression.  

You can also check out these websites for more information on rabbit aggression

Good Luck