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moving of kits

22 10:12:42

QUESTION: Our Dutch doe had a litter of 4 kits.    They are 1 week old. Today, I took a stick and moved the fur and straw to see how many she had.  We moved her inside due to the cold and whenever we feed her she hops out of the cage and right back in.  Well today when I got her fresh food and water she was hopping back in the cage as I came down so I shut the door.  When I came back down a couple hours later I realized she had moved the kits outside of the cage on a blanket.  I cut the blanket and moved the kits and covered them with straw and fur and put the nesting box back into the cage.  She has not touched the nesting box and the kits are uncovered.  Will she reject them now and why did she move them?

ANSWER: Helllo Donna!
Well your rabbit did not move them herself ( rabbits are not like cats or dogs as they do not pick up their young and move them) The kits probably jumped out of the nest looking for her to feed them. Itsounds like you need a deeper nest box you need to keep them in the box so they do stay warm. rabbits only feed their kits 2-3 times a day and sometimes they do not sit with them to keep them warm thats what the fur does. The mama usually just visits  during the day but they do not sit with them all day.
They should be ok if kept warm.
good Luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Remember how I said there were 4 kits outside of the cage all together?  Well, I thought we had 5 but we were never really sure because of all the fur and straw over the kits.  Our vet had told us not to touch them until they were older.  Yesterday, I found 1 more kit very far from the cage and nesting box, I put it back in the cage and covered it.  It was away from the mom for a full 24 hours.  The kit seemed fine at first about now appears to be getting very weak and very thin.  Is there anything I can do for this kit? Please help!

Hello Donna!
well 24 hrs may be a long time at this point the kit may be too weak to eat like the others you may need to remove the mother and kit and let it eat while you hold the mother on her back this may be really hard to do. if the kit is strong enough it will latch on and eat. Good luck.
And for the advise of the vet well I think differently  if you did not touch them when you did they all would have died so you did the right thing , Remember rabbits are not like cats  they will not move thier babies when they are bothered. if you are really concerned rub your hands with some of her feed and then touch the babies. and then put a very small dab of vicks on the nose of the mother so she only smells the vicks and not your scent. this is what some Rabbit people do. I have NEVER had a doe reject her babies because I touched them  even minutes after they are born and I have been doing it for ofer 30 yrs. so don`t worry about touching them too early.
Good Luck