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sneezing & wet nose

22 10:59:26

my rabbit is 3yrs old and a female never been nutured she is a house rabbit she sleeps in a cage but doesn't have any bedding to make her smell she's potty trained.  my question is she has just started to sneeze for the last 24 hours and her nose is wet she has no discharge from eyes but is there something i'm missing?   everything was fine she's a very healthy baby she eats nutriphase and lettuce, carrots, apples, and loves corn on the cob.  her water bottle is kept clean and her cage.  so what could be wrong?  I love my rabbit and want her to live a long healty life so please help me!!!!!

Teri, sneezing could be from many things - are you using a new cleaning solution for the floors ?  It could be an allergic reaction.  Going back to the product you used to use could be the solution.

BUT If her front legs are matted from cleaning her nose it usually means she has a purulent infection.  In that case I would recommend she see a vet and get antibiotic care.

Rabbits cannot use all antibiotics and many vets do not know this.  If the vet says she has an infection ask him to use long-acting penprocelina, 30,000,000 - she will need 1 ml per kilo of body weight - two shots two days apart should do it.   The very best way is to do a cultures and sensitivity test but that can be expensive.

Hope this helps,