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infant bunnies

22 11:33:05

my 6 month old Dutch rabbit just gave birth to 6 babies 4 days ago, 2 have already died I don't know if she is feeding them at night while I'm sleeping because she doesn't do it during the day. They seem very skinny and there skin is starting to sag,If you could help me out with any kind of information I'd appreciate it. Thanks Rhonda

It is hard to say if she is letting them nurse or not - I would think she must be a least a little bit or they would have died by now.  If you are getting a close enough look to see that they are skinny and sagging you are probably handleing them too much and the mother is not doing her duty because she feels she doesn't have to or has abandoned them.  Hand raising kits is very difficult and rarely successful.  I have never been able to get a bunny past 6 weeks by hand raising so I am not sure what to suggest.
