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Ryneck (head tilt)

22 11:25:50

  What is the best care for rabbit with Ryneck. Children have rabbits and we've tried medicine to treat to no avail. Please help asap.

I have had success with an antibiotic in the form of an ear drop, but that is only in the early stages.  Your rabbits may be past that stage.  Unfortuneately, wry neck is a serious infection within the skull that is rarely detected until it is too late and nearly impossible to treat.

More often than not, it starts as snuffles (sinus infection) that worsens, but that is often considered speculation.

As much as I hate to say it, wry neck is more often than not fatal.  If the rabbit doesn't die from the infection, it will starve or dehydrate because it can no longer eat or drink or the owner will put the rabbit down to end the suffering.

I am sorry.