Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > likcking a spot on his back

likcking a spot on his back

22 11:18:40

I have a chocolate mini-rex around 7yrs.  He's lived with a guinea pig for about 4 years.  They live inside at night and on hot, cold or wet days, and in a shaded cage in the grass outside during the daytime on nice days.  My bun has suddenly developed a wet spot in the middle of his back. I think he's licking it. It dries and then gets wet again, but always the same spot.  It's starting to look pink, but I see nothing else wrong with it.  No changes in diet except a few added strawberries, but he's had those previous Summers.  He's never done this before and he's otherwise behaving normally. What could be wrong?

Dear Misty,

This could be a spot of ringworm fungus, or the beginnings of mange.  I can't see the spot to give any really good guesses other than that, but this might help:

You can find a good vet here:

who can examine the spot in person and prescribe appropriate medication.

I hope this helps.
