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My Dwarf Rabbits Pee Color

22 10:04:02

Hi my brothers dwarf rabbit pees a redish orange and my mom is intent that it is dehydrated just because my rabbit hogs the water. I think that it is just natural.

Dear Tyler,

Very dark urine can signify dehydration, and to be sure that your bunny is getting enough water, be sure to put out *two* water bowls (water bottles are fine for emergencies, but water bowls are better), and be sure that they are clean and full all the time. A rabbit must have constant access to water, and the drinking bowls should NEVER be dry.

Rabbit urine can range in color from pale yellow to dark yellow, orange, red, or even brown, and this can depend on the plants the bunny has been eating, on any medications he's taking, or even on his emotional state.  But it's best to be sure the problem isn't due to dehydration, and be sure both bunnies have plenty to drink.

For a good overview of healthy rabbit diet, please read:

and note that it includes unlimited clean water.

And for all the best information on your bunnies' health and care, visit and read:

Good luck, and happy new year!
