Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > hayfever


22 10:57:50

hi i have two female rabbits and one of them had runny eyes and nose last summer, we toke her to the vets to see what they would say the vet checked for cataract but there was nothing the vet prescribed eye drops but i did not think they had much afect.all summer we tired taking thing away to see if she had any allergic reactions but she was still the same.later that summer my aunt told me she was in a pet shop and the owner had to keep some of the rabbits because they had hayfever when i heard this i clicked and knew that was it. now its summer again it has started some people say to put a tiny amount of hayfever syrup in with the water but i don't no if that is safe. is there a medicine for rabbits with hayfever.   please help   zoe

Hi Zoe

Allergies (hay fever) in rabbits are truly rare.  Since it only seems to affect her at certain times of the year she very well could have hay fever.  The only thing you should really give rabbits for allergies is childrens grape flavored benadryl.  I am not allowed to give out doses because I am not a veterinarian.  However if you call your vet that you have a pre-established relationship she should be able to tell you the correct doses to give to your rabbit since she already knows their weights, pre-existing conditions etc.

If the benadryl doesn't help you have to consider that it may not be allergies at all.  I do know that benadryl can be given to rabbits for long term treatment of allergies with little long term affects on their health.

Good luck and if you need anything else please let me know
