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my bunny has a watery eye

22 10:26:30

for the past two weeks my mini lop has had a watery eye. it dosent seem to cause him any harm, and i think its maybe cause i tried to remove the normal matter from it a bit too roughly. but i stopped once it started watering alot but the watering hasnt stopped. its worst every morning, but it dries up during the day (ie. it dosent water ALL the time). the eyelids around that area seem to be a little redder than normal.. please help? i cant stand seeing my lil bunny like that! thanks for your replies

There's a variety of things it might be.  Perhaps the eye has a little scratch on it.  Or maybe a little bit of conjunctivitis.  Even teeth problems can cause a watery eye.

Really, only a vet will be able to tell you what's going on.  If it is an eye problem and not something else, it may just be a matter of a little bit of medicine for a short time.

These sites give some general info on common rabbit eye problems.  You can read up on those and then make an appointment with your vet: