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rabbit with constipation

22 10:42:04

I found a little bunny outside.  He was clearly a tame rabbit he came right to me with clover in my hand.  Well i got him in a big cage in our house and i really don't know anything about taking care of rabbits.  I feed him lettuce carrots and celery. Ever since yesterday when i cleaned out his cage he hasn't had any pellets of poop in there in 2 days.  What could be wrong and what do i do.

Dear Susan,

Please read this immediately:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

If the bunny is suffering from ileus, it could be life-threatening without proper, immediate care.  

For all the best information on taking care of your new pal, please read the articles here:

and visit

often to browse and learn everything you need to know.

Good luck!
