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Why did my baby rabbits died???

22 11:07:10

Hello, our pet rabbit gave birth to a litter of 6 babies 3 nights ago, this morning me and my sisters woke up in shock to find them all dead. We want to find out what could have contributerd to their poor deaths. I noticed the toe nails were all purple, they felt cold, and their skin was all wrinkled up. Their mother who is a very agressive rabbit even before having the litter, abandoned them cause inside her cage we saw her trampling over the babies, and that's how we rescued the babies. We kept the babies in a card board box lined with newspaper and grass, as well as the white fur we found in the mother's cage. We supplied all this to the baby rabbits' new home. We separated the babies from the mother because it kept on stepping on their heads. In the babies' box we also kept a warm water bottle wrapped in a thin towel and before their death they were sleeping against the water bottle. Im not sure if they were dehydrated, and besides baby formula was there something else we had to feed them. They are dwarf rabbits. PLease reply ASAP, with great thanks.


Hi Jon,
Sorry to hear about your baby bunnies. Cat formula for kittens would have maybe been a better choice to feed them and you should of consulted a vet and they may of told you what to do. They could of died from a number of things like a draft even a slight draft could have killed the babies. From what I'm hearing it sounds like they were cold and died from a draft or    most likely they starved. Because newborn babies need to be fed every 2-3 hours and the milk you were giving them probably didn't have all the nutrients in it that babies need. They also need their mothers warmth.