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Exercising my Bun

22 9:51:42

I have come to the conclusion that my bunny is lazy.
How do I get her to exercise and snap out of the "lazy mode" or should I just let her be?
I open her cage and she very rarely comes out. Sometimes I have to literally take her out and close the cage.
Her previous owners left her in the cage, never gave her any exercise or attention that rabbits need to live a happy, healthy life. So I'm assuming that she became accustom to that. I am the total opposite....always paying attention to her, holding her, opening the cage, etc.
She has gained weight since I've adopted her about a year ago and I'm worried that if she doesn't start exercising more, that it really is going to affect her.
Any advice or tips are greatly wanted at this point......

Thanks again.
Rachelle Panchenko
Wyandotte, Mi

Dear Rachelle,

A change of scenery might help perk her up.  Also, a vet wellness check might help to determine whether there are any underlying health reasons for her apparent laziness.

If you have a safe, fenced back yard where no predators can get in, you could take her outside and sit with her (she needs your supervision!) while she plays in the grass and digs in the dirt.  I have yet to see even the laziest bunny not take advantage of outdoor play time.

Providing new toys and rotating them so she doesn't get bored can also help.  Provide chewy boxes and baskets, and be creative in getting her surroundings changing.  Rabbits are curious, and this will likely get her moving around to see what's up.

Hope this helps.
