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my rabbit bites the blood out of me

22 11:36:48

We have a female rabbit that is about 8 months old. she was very sweet at first but now she bites and draws blood if you try to pick her up of clean her cage.  she also makes a huffing sound likes she's mad. she begs for treats and we spoil her with expensive food and treats but it would be nice if we could hold her or handle her. someone suggested spaying but that's 100-150$ (I checked) and I hate to spend so much if there's just a slight chance it will work. Can you scold a rabbit like a dog or would they not respond to scolding? thanks, sonya

HI Sonya,
        im not so sure if you can scold a rabbit like a dog cause i dont know how things work where u live.Over here in England you can have them spayed but what i think you should is,contact your vet and ask him/her if it has worked on other pets and is it worth the money.
Hope this helps and good luck from Natasha.