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baby bunnys and the diets

22 9:52:03

I have six baby bunnies that had been born at my friends house so there staying there but I baby sitting three of them and wondering if they can sleep over at my house eating pellets without being nurtured by there mother. there 4 and a half weeks old

Dear Marguerite:

I think you know the answer to this one without my telling you.  The answer is an emphatic NO if you want the bunnies to stay healthy and live.  The babies are still tiny infants and they need their mother's milk EVERY DAY until they are at least eight weeks old.  Excessive handling can make them sick, especially if they are deprived of their mother.  Please read this:

and also share this with your friend who had the baby bunnies:

I hope you made the right decision, and did not separate the babies from their mother.  

I hope this helps.
