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rabbit poo problems

22 10:36:16

I have a dwart lop rabbit who always gets her pooh stuck in big lumps at her back end. It's also very stinky. I was wondering if it had something to do with what we feed her which is hay, pellets and carrots. I have another rabbit as well, but she doesn't get that kind of pooh. Could you tell me what is wrong with her and what we have to do to make it stop?

Dear Ida,

Your rabbit is suffering from cecal dysbiosis, which you can read about here:

The most common causes are incorrect diet:

and pain/stress from dental problems:

though there can be other things that can elicit the GI tract slowdown that causes the imbalance of normal flora in the intestine.  You will need a good rabbit vet to help you, and can find one here:

I hope this helps.

Take care, and Happy New Year!
