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Rabbit Periods/Health

22 10:04:14

Dear Dana,
I am really worried about my rabbit now as she has had blood in her urine for a while now(3-4 days). My mum said that she will take her to the vets. But if it is close to death, as she may have cancer because you said rabbits can't get periods, will she have long to live? I love my rabbit and couldn't deal with it if she was suffering. She seems ok, but sometimes she just randomly rolls over on the floor and will lie there for minutes, so then I go over to her and give her a stroke and she gets up a goes somewhere else.  

Dear Olivia,

If she's rolling, she feels relaxed and happy.  But if she truly has blood in her urine, she must be spayed immediately.  If she has uterine cancer, this can be removed entirely with a spay, and if it has been caught early, this may be a complete cure, allowing her to live many years with you.

Please find an experienced rabbit vet here:

since a vet who sees mostly dogs and cats may do more harm than good in a case like this.  You really need someone who knows *rabbits*.

I hope you can get her spayed as soon as possible to give her the best chance of long-term survival.

Good luck,