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long haired holland lop

22 9:48:36

Hi there, thank you for your time. My long haired lop is expirencing what i believe to be a urine burn. I have picked up chlorhexidine soap to cleanse and was recommended soothing naturally with black tea!?  Also that I may need to shave her in this area to prevent future irretability. She is eating and drinking, however is aware shes uncomfortable in this area. I have been keeping her inside in fear of flys.... Im sure shed like to return out as soon as she is better. ( she does like her excercise!)Is this treatable without a perscription cream? Is tea a good idea to use, is it safe for her as she will ingest when cleaning herself.

Hi Joelle

I have a little rabbit going through this now. Has she been to a vet to try to find the source of what's causing the urine burn? It can sometimes be brought on by kidney or bladder stones or rabbit syphilis?

The black tea would be ok, but diaper rash cream to prevent further burning to the skin is recommended. The vet will be able to sell you one that is safe for rabbits. Be sure to go to a vet that treats rabbits regularly because often a dog and cat vet won't treat the rabbit as a rabbit and he will get the same treatment as a cat or dog and often that is totally inappropriate.

Trimming the fur is good and keep the area clean. The vet might opt to shave the area and the cream will need to go twice a day.

Hope this helps.
