Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bleeding toe

bleeding toe

22 10:48:44

My rabbit is bleeding from its toe. Can't really tell if it's a cut or not. What should I do? Is there anything I can put on it. He keeps licking it.

Hi Robin,

most likely he caught his nail on something and broke the nail, exposing the quick (nail blood supply).

Get some flour and put a good pinch in/on your finger and press against the nail.  You will have to hold it there for a bit, it will help the blood to coagulate.  You may need to hold him on your lap (use a pillow on your lap, it's just easier) to do this, or need a second person so that you can do this.

In the future, you should get some styptic powder or gel from your local pet suppy store and use that instead, as it works better and usually has a pain reliever in it.

Check the rest of his nails over, he may be due for a trim.  Depending on how fast their nails grow, every 6-8 weeks indoor house rabbits usually need a trim.
