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i think my bunny may be pregnant?!

22 11:07:30

Hi there, i have 2 house rabbits in seperate cages and was told they were the same sex, but no! they have ran about the house together on numerous occasions but i dont think the male has managed much as she runs away. The past few days she has been pulling her fur out in lumps, pulling all the hay and straw away from the countainer and will not settle at all. do you think she may be pregnant? thanks

Mandy More

Hi Mandy,
Yes,the first sign of pregnancy is the pulling of fur...but this happens 12 hours before her kindling...if there still are no babies in her nest,and it's been over 2 days she may be experiencing "false pregnancy". This is pretty common.
 The gestation for rabbits is about 32 days on average,if she still hasn't had her babies and it's been over that time..remove her nest material and she soon will forget. If there are babies...leave her alone for at least 2 days,and provide fresh water and food at all times for her.
Good luck,Elizabeth