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8 Week Old Rabbit

22 11:21:24

Hi there,

I have just bought an 8 week old bunny. I have an excellent hutch. One half has 3 enclosed sides and the 4th side leads into a large area with a wired front. I would like to know if my bunny will be warm enough at night or should it be inside? Temps at night in Ireland are approx 4-10 Celcius.
Thans you very much

Dear Laura,

Your bunny can withstand cool temperatures (heat is much worse for rabbits than cold), but she will definitely need a warm refuge, such as a sturdy cardboard box filled with soft hay or a 100% cotton blanket or towels (which should be laundered regularly, as she might also pee on it!) so she can keep warm.

It's very important that she not be exposed to drafts.  Rabbits in the wild can escape into underground burrows to get out of the elements, and you must provide some sort of substitute for that if your bunny is in an open hutch.  

Ideally, bring your bunny indoors and keep her inside with the family, where she belongs.  It's much safer, and you'll be better able to monitor her behavior and catch health problems before they become very serious.  Rabbits are very subtle about their illnesses, and sometimes if you have a bunny outdoors you will not notice slight changes in behavior that can signal a dire problem.  Keeping bunny inside with you can save her life.

I hope this helps. Please write back if you have any questions, and refer to for all the best rabbit care information.
