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Is my rabbit ok? Is this normal?

22 9:42:53

Hey, my sisters rabbit has not been her usual self lately.
She is eating fine but her poos seem to be runny ( not all the time ) sometimes they are normal formed balls other times its runny.
She seems lively in herself still but for some reason no longer comes out of her cage, she's a house rabbit and used to like running around the house and having free roam, but for some reason she chooses to confine herself to her cage, this has only been the case within the last week or two.
Can you shed any light on what is going on?
We were planning on taking her to the vets but seeing as she's still eating etc we weren't sure whether it was a medical problem.
She was spayed back in April, not sure whether this is relevant.
Thankyou hope you can help.

This means your bunny issick!
Diareah can be deadly in rabbits.
And her not wanting out is a definite sign of sickness.
take her to the vet ASAP!

Even if she looks fine,rabbits get sick sneakily and fast too.

Best bunny wishes!
P.s.Sometimes it could just be a overdose of fiber in her diet.
The vet can cure that easily!