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Nipples have burst open

22 11:24:41

Sweetpea was diagnosed with Mastitis and was given a 4 day course of antibiotic in injection form but the one nipple has burst open and the others are quite inflammed.
After the antibiotics were administered she resumed her normal self and is eating normally and seems to be well again so what could I do to keep the wound clean.
I live 85km from a vet and that is one way.
Thank you for a wonderful site as I have just started out and she had 5 babies 1 month & 2 weeks ago but I lost 2 due to wryneck and have also disinfected their outside quaters which are immaculately clean and sterile.

Unfortunately I can't suggest anything to assist you, she really needs more antibiotics.  

If you known any breeders you might ask them what they use when they see this condition.

There is some information at
