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lucky lost her mum

22 10:30:46

last year my friends found a stray rabbit, they brought her to me, because they knew i had an old hutch from a past animal, she ended up giving birth to a few kits after a few days of arrival, we gave most away, and kept the runt.. bridget the mother, died last month, and lucky hasnt been the same since, she doesnt like pats any more, and bites if you put you hand in the cage, im really worried, will getting her another friend or breeding her make her feel better??


sorry to hear about the loss of your bunny.

Short scoop here: she may be depressed but her behavior is because the alpha bunny died, she is asserting herself to defend her space now.  

I would actually recommend getting her spayed by a good rabbit vet.  Much of her behavior is hormonally driven.  It will reduce her cage aggression and her excess marking.

To find a good rabbit vet (not all vets are), go to:

and find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.
