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Moving mom & babies into foster care

22 10:30:46

Hi Dana, I volunteer at a local shelter where I handle rabbit adoptions, getting them spayed/neutered, etc. I was away recently when 7 came in at once and 1 boy was in with the girls. And I could not return in time to get the girls spayed before two of them had litters. They're both at my house now though, otherwise, they surely would have killed the babies (rabbits are kept in the puppy room, grrr...).

Anyway, I have someone who wants to foster one mom and litter. When is it safe to move them or will it even be safe to move them 1/2 hour away to someone else's house? They are 3 days old right now and the runts might need supplemental feeding, which I just don't see this fosterer doing. Would it be better to just leave them where they are? It would be nice to have someone help me but I don't want to endanger any little lives. Thank you!

Also, how early can I get the girls spayed (the mothers and the daughters)?  

Dear Patti,

Sorry for the delay in answering.  This week was rabbit crisis week, and my email took a beating.

Those bunnies are sure lucky to have a concerned caregiver like you!

If you're concerned about the fosterer's ability to nurture the runts, if necessary, then I'd wait until the babies are just starting to leave the nest box (about the age of two weeks) before moving them. That will be less stressful for mama, too, and all the mobile bunnies can adjust to their new surroundings with more awareness than if they were tiny and helpless.

That's just what I'd do.  Hope that helps.
