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albino rabbits

22 10:32:31

Lee,  I am interested in finding out just how common albino rabbits are.  I know that they are not as rare as some other albino animals and generally have some problems with their eyesight.  The reason for I'm wondering is that of the seven in a two week old litter, three are albino.

Thank you for any info you can offer to satisfy my curiosity.  Jeana

Hi Jeana,

there are several rabbit breeds that are albinos or have albino-ish features.

Himalayan rabbits are considered an albino breed.  Pink eyes and white fur (devoid of pigment) are the characteristic traits.  Occasionally, however, some are born with a grey colour and a few may be quite black, but ultimately they attain their characteristic coat.

New Zealand rabbits may also be considered albino rabbits as well.

I would say they are not uncommon based on these breeds being known for being albino.  There must be some genes in their history that caused the traits to become dominant.
