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chewing rabbitt

22 10:59:41

My rabbitt chewed the base board of the new house, I would like to what can I do to prevent this.  

This is what HRS says:

If a rabbit insists on chewing baseboards, edges of chairs, etc., a board can be put over the places of temptation, making them inaccessible while also providing an acceptable chewing surface. This method should be combined with training your rabbit not to chew on these items.

I say buy some apple bitter spray also and spray on those spots.  Give your rabbit an assortment of safe toys such as, untreated sticks, hard plastic baby toys, hard plastic gerbil balls, untreated wicker baskets etc.  Rabbits love to play and chew.  I am giving you the website from the San Diego HRS.  They have great tips and ideas on how to house train your rabbit.

Good luck and just remember, sometimes young bunnies just need patience
