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Male and Female rabbits

22 11:09:54

I have had a female rabbit for about 3 to 4 months now she lives indoors. Yesterday i went and bought a male rabbit he is 8 weeks old they are in separate cages she is going mental in her cage and is trying to get out so i have put them in separate rooms what do you suggest i do will they get on if i put them out together in the same room the female has changed loads and is very hyper how can i calm her?

Hi Kaylee,

what you need to do:

1.  Keep your rabbits separate until you get both of them fixed (the girl spayed, the boy neutered).  Try to keep the boy in a room where the female rabbit hasn't already decided is 'hers'.  that will help keep her calmer.

2.  Wait about one month after whichever one's last surgery before going throughthe bonding process.  You can read about bonding rabbits at the House Rabbit Society's web site (  They have very extensive articles regarding bonding rabbits.

3.  You will need to take your time with bonding.  Often it takes weeks or months.  You will need to get some animal gates for this step of the process from your local pet supply store.

For now, just keep them apart.  Don't pet or touch her after you've petted/handled the male rabbit, this may set her off, smelling him on you.  Change shirts if you hold him, wash your hands before petting her.  Their noses are much more sensitive than ours and she'll smell him on you easily.  She'll be smelling him anyways, but it will help reduce/prevent her from becoming aggressive towards you.
