Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > cecotropes...


22 9:59:49

Hello!My angora rabbit don`t eat his cecotropes I read that it`s a symptom of illness or wrong diet...Should I be concerned?I feed my rabbit with pellets,hay, fresh vegetables and herbs so i really don`t know what am I doing wrong.However he behave and eat normally.And my second question is do I have to wash grass for my rabbit?(because I heard that there may be myxoamtosis on it)Thanks for help...

Dear Ania,

Sometimes if a bunny is getting a diet very rich in nutrients, he won't eat his cecotropes for a while.  This usually passes, but if the cecotropes are mushy, please see:

Myxomatosis isn't carried on grass, but it is wise to wash *anything* you feed your bunny, since you never know what's on unwashed food.
