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two bunnies

22 10:21:12

hi iv recently bought two rabbits. they are both 9 weeks old. we think they are both girls but are not hundred percent sure. one of them is a lop eyed dwarf and the other is a cross breed of dwarf and rex.
the lop eared had abit of runny poo and was stuck to the her bottom i cleaned it off with warm water. iv now noticed her private parts are abit swollen or look like they are. the other rabbit wont leave her alone and keeps sniffing the lop eareds bum. she doesnt like it. abit worried.
thanks for reading this hope you know what i can do.

Hi Andrea

Young rabbits are susceptible to coccidia and mucoid enteritis.  Unfortunately if this is what is wrong they need medication from a rabbit savvy vet and it is only available by prescription.  If the other bun is doing ok then I strongly suggest you separate them.  Coccidia can be transferred from one to the other and so can other illnesses.

I am extremely concerned about the swollen private parts.  This can be an indication of infection and various diseases.  If possible please take your bunny to a rabbit savvy vet for an exam.

I am sorry that your bunny is ill.  I do hope it recovers.

